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Success Rates at Gravida: An In-depth Look at Our Fertility Treatments

At Gravida, we are proud to share with you the results of our assisted reproduction treatments carried out between 2019 and 2022. We know that numbers and statistics can be overwhelming, so we want to explain in a simple and direct way what these percentages mean for each treatment and age group.


The Importance of the Take-Home Baby Rate

It is crucial to highlight that at Gravida we focus on the take-home baby rate, a key indicator that reflects not only the achievement of pregnancy but also the successful birth of a baby. This rate is a more accurate reflection of the success of our treatments and our commitment to each patient.


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF/ICSI)

In Vitro Fertilization with own eggs is one of the treatments with the highest success rate. We have achieved exceptional results, especially in women under 35 years, where the take-home baby rate reaches 77.1%. This means that more than three-quarters of our patients in this age group have managed to take their baby home.

In the age group 35 to 37 years, the success rate is 62.6%. Although there is a decrease compared to the younger group, these numbers are still very encouraging, indicating that more than half of our patients in this age range achieve success with the treatment.

For patients aged 38 to 40, the success rate is 40.3%. Although the chances decrease with age, it is still notable that almost half of the patients in this group manage to have a baby.

In the group aged 41 to 42 years, the success rate is 22.9%. Although the probabilities are lower, it is important to highlight that there is still a significant chance of success.

Finally, for women over 42 years, the success rate is 6.5%. Although these figures are lower, they reflect the reality of assisted reproduction at advanced ages and the importance of personalized counseling and treatment.


Egg Reception

The egg reception at Gravida has a success rate of 69.1%. This treatment is a hopeful option for women who cannot use their own eggs. The high success rate demonstrates the effectiveness of combining donated eggs with the advanced experience and technology of Gravida. This approach has allowed many women to experience motherhood, even when facing complex fertility challenges.


Embryo Reception

The embryo reception, also known as embryo adoption, at Gravida presents a success rate of 40.2%. This treatment offers a significant opportunity for women or couples who are dealing with infertility issues and are looking for an alternative solution to using their gametes to achieve their dream of having a child. Embryo reception is an option that allows receiving unused frozen embryos, coming from healthy parents who have decided to donate them to eager families that may need them, after completing their reproductive project.


Artificial Insemination (AI)

Artificial insemination shows different success rates depending on the age. In women under 40 years, the success rate is 20.7%, while in women 40 years or older, the rate is 4.5%. These results are important to understand realistic expectations of the treatment. Artificial insemination is a less invasive option and can be the first step on the path to motherhood for many couples. Although the success rates vary, each case is unique and deserves personalized attention.


At Gravida, every number and every percentage represent stories of hope, perseverance, and success. Our commitment is to offer personalized and cutting-edge treatments to help each patient achieve their dream of starting a family.

If you have any questions or would like more information about our treatments and success rates, do not hesitate to contact us.
