El blog de Gravida

Egg donation in Barcelona: Everything you need to know

At Gravida, a renowned assisted reproduction clinic in Barcelona, we understand the importance of egg donation and how it can offer hope to many women or couples wishing to have a child. In this post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on egg donation in Barcelona, delving into the process, legal and ethical requirements, and why Gravida is the trusted clinic for this crucial step.


What is egg donation and how does it work?

Gamete donation department at GravidaEgg donation is a process where a woman donates her eggs to another woman or couple facing difficulties conceiving naturally. At Gravida, we have a team of assisted reproduction experts who will guide you throughout the entire process. We work with a specific gamete donation department led by Andrea Abbad and Júlia Modol, who are dedicated to providing the best care and support to donors and recipient couples.



Requirements to be an egg donor in Barcelona

In Barcelona, there are certain legal and ethical requirements that must be met to be an egg donor. At Gravida, we ensure that our donors undergo a rigorous medical and psychological evaluation to guarantee the suitability and well-being of all parties involved. Some of the requirements include:

  • Being between 18 and 35 years old.
  • Having good physical and mental health.
  • Meeting the ethical standards set in the field of assisted reproduction.


The egg donation process step by step

At Gravida, we are committed to providing you with a clear and detailed guide on the egg donation process in Barcelona. From your first contact with our clinic to the retrieval of the eggs and their subsequent gynecological review, our team will accompany you at every stage. We will explain how genetic compatibility tests are carried out, the ovarian stimulation treatment, and the extraction of the eggs. We guarantee a safe, confidential, and respectful process at all times.
The steps to follow to donate eggs at Gravida are:

  • Once you contact Gravida, we will provide you with an appointment on the day and time slot that best suits your schedule. In this first visit, we will offer you an information session and a psychological assessment where we will address all your concerns.
  • Subsequently, we will schedule you for a free gynecological review and blood test. This way, we will know your health status and fertility.
  • When we have the results, we will plan the treatment and the dates of the process. With your period, you will start injectable hormonal medication to stimulate egg growth (9-11 days). During this time, we will carry out periodic checks to ensure safety at all times.
  • When the eggs have reached the optimal size, we will schedule the aspiration. It is a simple and painless procedure that lasts 15-20 minutes and will be performed in the operating room under sedation. After it’s over, you will stay 2-3h in our facilities and then you can return to your normal life with some precautions.
  • After the first period, we will schedule an after-aspiration gynecological review.


Why choose Gravida for egg donation in Barcelona?

At Gravida, we are proud to offer a safe and trustworthy environment for egg donation, as we can carry out the entire process in our facilities. We have years of experience in assisted reproduction, a highly qualified medical team, and cutting-edge technology. Our specific gamete donation department is dedicated to providing the best care and support to donors and recipient couples. We work closely with our donors, offering them emotional support and comprehensive counseling. At Gravida, we understand the importance of each step in the egg donation process and are committed to providing a positive experience for all parties involved.



Is there financial compensation for donating eggs?

Law 14/2006, of May 14, on assisted human reproduction techniques establishes that donation must be carried out anonymously, voluntarily, informed, and without remuneration. Specifically, in point number 3 it indicates:
“3. The donation will never have a lucrative or commercial nature. The compensatory economic compensation that may be set can only strictly compensate for physical inconveniences and travel and work expenses that may arise from the donation and cannot imply an economic incentive for it.”

However, if you have more questions you can contact us:



Egg donation is an act of generosity that can change the lives of many people. At Gravida, with our specific gamete donation department, we are committed to providing a safe and reliable egg donation process. If you are considering becoming an egg donor or if you are a couple looking for donated eggs, trust Gravida to assist you on this journey towards motherhood. Contact us today for more information and start your path to building a family with our expertise and professional support.
