This document regulates the processing of personal data collected by the International Center for Assisted Human Reproduction of Barcelona, ​​SL (hereinafter, CIRHAB).

This personal data protection policy (‘Privacy Policy’) aims to inform you about how we obtain, process and protect the personal data we handle as a result of our activity.

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

The entity responsible for processing your personal data is CIRHAB with NIF B65006751. The contact details are as follows:

Av. Diagonal, 660, 16th floor, 08034 Barcelona
Phone: 93 206 64 89

How can you contact the Data Protection Officer of CIRHAB?

You are informed that CIRHAB has appointed a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) to whom you can raise any issues related to the processing of your personal data. You can contact the Data Protection Officer at the following email address:

For what purposes and legitimization will we process your personal data?

Generally, CIRHAB will process your personal data for the purposes and with the legitimization detailed below:

Processes based on your consent:

We may collect and process your personal data when you have specifically given your consent; for example, to manage your registration on the website and respond to requests made through it, for participation in contests, for the management of curriculums vitae, for the sending of commercial communications and profiling when you have checked the corresponding box when completing the form  or when we have collected your consent at fairs, events and/or other activities that may be carried out, as well as to manage the registration as a healthcare professional or collaborator in the Entity.

Processes based on the execution of a contract:

We may process your personal data in pre-contractual relations at the request of the interested parties; for example, when managing a request for information in relation to the treatments we offer. Similarly, we may process your personal data based on the execution of a contract; for example, when you sign the treatment consent, among other purposes.

Processes based on legitimate interest:

We may process your personal data when we have a legitimate legal interest; for example, in certain cases for the sending of commercial communications and profiling to CIRHAB patients or the sending of quality surveys on the products or services provided, loyalty actions, the sending of health tips and recommendations or for the development, compliance, dissemination and control of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, provided that our legitimate interest prevails over the rights and freedoms of the interested party.

How do we protect your personal data?

At CIRHAB we treat your personal data with absolute confidentiality, committing ourselves to keep secret about them and to adopt all necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, all this in accordance with the legal obligations that apply to us as responsible for data processing.

At CIRHAB we commit ourselves to maintain and implement the necessary security levels, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the storeddata and the associated risks.

How long will we keep your personal data?

We will process your personal data as long as the consents you have given us remain in force or as long as you have not cancelled the contractual or business relationships you maintain with us.

Thus, we will stop processing your personal data once you have revoked your consent or your contractual or business relationship with CIRHAB has ended, provided that your data is not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed.

Notwithstanding the above, your personal data will be kept blocked for the legally established prescription periods. In this sense, the exercise of the right of deletion will not reduce the legally established conservation periods.

Who can we communicate your personal data to?

The recipient of the information is CIRHAB and the rest of the entities of the Group for the entities that are part of the Grup Assistència and its linked companies (SCIAS, S.C.C.L.; Autogestió Sanitària, S.C.C.L.; BIOPAT, S.L.; AIALE, S.A.; AERETIC, S.L.; CIRHAB, S.L.; ANDAIRA, S.L.) for processing the data with identical purposes to those indicated above and in accordance with the corporate purpose of each one, as long as they are part of or remain in the said Corporate Group, including the linked companies.

What are your rights in relation to the data you provide us and how can you exercise them?

In accordance with European data protection regulations, you have the following rights:

Right of access

You have the right, on the one hand, to access the personal data relating to you that CIRHAB processes and, on the other hand, to certain information about how your personal data is processed.

Right to revoke consent

You have the right to withdraw consent at any time when you have given authorization to process your personal data. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing prior to the withdrawal.

Right to rectification

You have the right to rectify your personal data if they are inaccurate and to complete personal data that are incomplete.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data when such processing is for direct marketing, is based on legitimate interest or on a mission of public interest.

Once this right is exercised, CIRHAB will stop processing your data unless it can prove compelling reasons that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the interested party, or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.

Right to deletion

You have the right to the elimination of your personal data when certain circumstances occur (among others, the data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, the consent on which the processing is based is revoked or the interested party opposes the processing).

Right to limitation

You have the right for your data to stop being processed in certain cases. For example, you can exercise this right when you have objected to the sending of commercial communications, while we attend to your request.

Right to portability

You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to CIRHAB in a structured, commonly used andmachine-readable format, and to transmit them to another controller, if the following requirements are met:

  • The processing is based on consent or on a contract.
  • The processing is carried out by automated means.

Right not to be subject to automated decisions

You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on the automated processing of your data, including profiling, that produces legal effects or that negatively affects you, unless the decision is necessary to formalize or execute a contract between the interested party and CIRHAB, is based on the explicit consent of the interested party or is authorized by the law of the Union or of the corresponding member state.

The exercise of rights can be carried out by attaching a scanned copy of the ID or equivalent document, indicating the right you wish to exercise and with respect to which processing through the following means:

  • Before the Data Protection Delegate by email to
  • By email to
  • By postal mail to: Av. Diagonal, 660, 16th floor, 08034 Barcelona.

Your request to exercise a right will be attended by CIRHAB within a maximum period of one month. In those cases that are particularly complex requests, the response time may be extended up to two more months.

Finally, you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency through its electronic headquarters.

Use of email

CIRHAB and its employees will use corporate email with the utmost diligence and confidentiality. In this sense, if you need to provide us with any documentation, we recommend that you do so through the private area of our website and, if not possible, send it to us encrypted by email, attaching the password separately.

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a file or device that is downloaded to a user’s terminal with the purpose of storing data that could be updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for its installation.

You can consult our Cookie Policy at the following link, as well as configure the consent for the use of these.

CIRHAB reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy without prior notice, according to its own criteria, motivated by a legislative, jurisprudential or doctrinal change of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. In accordance with the above, we suggest that you review our Privacy Policy periodically.

March 2022