Who are we?


Your best road
to motherhood.

We provide you with leading technology and a reference human team to make your main life project come true.

Under the protection of Assistència Sanitària, a leader in the Catalan health sector, we were founded in 2010 as a centre specialising in the study of sterility and in the application of leading edge treatments to resolve fertility problems.

We are based in Hospital de Barcelona, where we have a state-of-the art laboratory and experienced gynaecologists, embryologists, andrologists, geneticists and psychologists so that we can treat each case with an integrated, multi-disciplinary focus.

At Gravida, the values of seriousness, professionalism and ethics that guide our work always go hand in hand with superb humane treatment.

We want you to feel at home.

Let’s start this path hand in hand.



  1. Yes, it is true. Many circumstances have contributed to this: the recession, which increases our stress levels, the increase in the average age of first-time mothers, pollution, drugs and alcohol, etc. According to the latest statistics, about 800,000 Spanish couples have sterility problems.

  2. One year after regular sexual intercourse without protection, if no pregnancy has occurred, is the time to start thinking about visiting a specialist or an Assisted Reproduction Centre.

    This period of time should be shorter when the patient is over 35 years old.

  3. During a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation or the fertile period occurs towards the fourteenth day. 24 hours after ovulating the basal temperature increases 3 to 5 tenths.

  4. A first option is to receive oocytes with a common donor. In this case the oocytes are also shared with another woman/couple and this way the costs of the donor’s cycle are shared, thereby reducing the cost.

    Another option would be adopting embryos. This consists in transferring vitrified embryos that other couples no longer want for their reproduction purposes and which they have decided to donate.

    You must bear in mind that, while with the reception of eggs the fertilising spermatozoids are from your partner, when adopting the embryos both gametes are substituted.

  5. We advise you to think about your decision, considering the following criteria:

    • That it really is a centre specialised in assisted reproduction.
    • That is has highly qualified professionals with proven experience who offer a humane, friendly treatment.
    • That the laboratory is fitted with the latest technological advances.
    • That its human team really gets involved, and you can really place your trust in them, knowing that they are going to help you and that they are going to inform you about your real possibilities.
    • That it has high success rates in its results.