El blog de Gravida

Novedades científicas para mejorar la fertilidad humana

More and more couples have problems in conceiving children. Stress, age (increasingly late) and poor genetic disposition are some of the reasons that prevent a good pregnancy. In the field of human fertility, science is vigorously pursuing new methods to ensure success.

Latest scientific advances

Thousands of researchers around the world are struggling to find new techniques for assisted reproduction. Among the most promising recent developments, we highlight the following:

1) Creation of functional spermatozoa from stem cells

One of every three couples worldwide having problems conceiving due to  male infertility . For this reason, much research has focused on trying to improve this problem. Recently in China, in Nanjing Medical University, have succeeded in creating in the laboratory  functional sperm cells  from stem cells, he announced the journal  Cell Stem Cell . This natural process failed solved  meiosis , without which male fertility is zero.

In the future this could be a good help also for women, since the creation of eggs is already being experimented with this same technique.

2) Technique to know the improved embryo viability

Until now, we had to wait 5 days to know if an embryo was in perfect condition and it was feasible or not to transplant it to the mother and beget. This technique of assisted reproduction, consisting of an  analysis of their chromosomes , however, endangering the embryo itself, without having to be so long freezing.

Now they have improved this technique, known as  CGH , allowing only determine the results in  1 to 2 days . This would avoid the necessary embryo freezing, which would also imply a greater possibility of success and would only need to transplant to the mother the one that was in perfect condition.

Once the pregnancy starts successfully, it is up to the couple to relax, take the changes calmly, take care of your baby with a good diet in pregnancy and enjoy both of the future maternity and parenthood.

Source: http://www.pixabay.com

Name of the author of the image: © TBIT
