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Thrombophilias and Infertility: How They Affect Fertility and Pregnancy

Thrombophilias are disorders in which the body has a greater predisposition to form blood clots, which can affect various areas of health, including fertility. Although not all women with thrombophilia experience fertility issues, this disorder can significantly impact the ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between thrombophilias and infertility, how they can affect female fertility, and the treatment options available. It is important to remember that any diagnosis and treatment should be guided and supervised by a reproductive medicine specialist.


What are thrombophilias?

Thrombophilias are a group of alterations in the blood clotting system that increase the risk of developing clots. There are hereditary thrombophilias, such as the Factor V Leiden mutation, and acquired thrombophilias, such as antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), which develops later in life.

In a normal pregnancy, blood clotting plays a crucial role in the implantation and development of the placenta, but in women with thrombophilia, this system is altered, which can cause problems in these early stages of pregnancy. Additionally, thrombophilias increase the risk of severe complications, such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.


How does thrombophilia affect fertility?

Although thrombophilias do not always directly cause infertility, they can have a significant impact on the reproductive process. These are some of the ways thrombophilia can affect fertility:

1. Failure of embryo implantation

One of the main consequences of thrombophilia is the tendency to form microthrombi (small clots) in the blood vessels of the uterus. These microthrombi can interfere with the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall, a fundamental step in the pregnancy process. When the embryo does not implant correctly, this can lead to failures in conception, which manifest as infertility or problems achieving a successful pregnancy.

2. Recurrent miscarriages

One of the most notable effects of thrombophilias is the increased risk of recurrent miscarriage. Women with thrombophilia, especially those with antiphospholipid syndrome, have a higher risk of experiencing spontaneous miscarriages during the first or second trimester. This occurs because the formation of clots in the blood vessels of the placenta interferes with the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, leading to pregnancy loss.

3. Complications during assisted reproduction treatments

In some cases, thrombophilias can affect the outcomes of assisted fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Women undergoing these treatments who have an undiagnosed or untreated thrombophilia may have lower chances of success due to implantation issues and a greater predisposition to developing clots during the process.


Diagnosing thrombophilias in women with fertility issues

At Gravida, one of our focuses is the early and accurate diagnosis of thrombophilias in women experiencing difficulties conceiving or recurrent miscarriages. This diagnosis usually involves a series of coagulation tests and/or genetic analyses to detect mutations or the presence of antibodies indicating the presence of thrombophilia.

If you have a family history of thrombophilia, have experienced episodes of thrombosis, or have had problems in previous pregnancies or fertility treatments, at Gravida, we offer a personalized evaluation to identify the presence of thrombophilias and tailor your treatment according to your needs to improve the chances of success in future pregnancy attempts.


Treatments for women with thrombophilia and infertility

Once thrombophilia is diagnosed, there are several treatment options that can help reduce the risk of complications related to infertility and pregnancy. Common strategies include:

1. Treatment with heparin and aspirin

One of the most commonly used treatments for women with thrombophilia and fertility issues is the administration of anticoagulants, such as low molecular weight heparin, and in some cases, low-dose aspirin. These medications help prevent clot formation and improve blood flow to the uterus and placenta, promoting embryo implantation and reducing the risk of miscarriage.

2. Continuous medical monitoring

Women with thrombophilia who achieve pregnancy often require more frequent monitoring during gestation. This includes frequent ultrasounds and blood tests to monitor blood flow and ensure the fetus is receiving the necessary nutrients and oxygen for its development.

3. Lifestyle changes

In addition to pharmacological treatment, adopting a healthy lifestyle can help improve fertility in women with thrombophilia. Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, and following a balanced diet are factors that contribute to reducing the risk of thromboembolic complications.

Icons representing treatment with heparin and aspirin, pregnancy monitoring with ultrasound, and a healthy lifestyle for treating thrombophilias and infertility.


Thrombophilias can be an underlying cause of infertility and pregnancy complications, but with proper diagnosis and specialized treatment, many women with this disorder can achieve successful pregnancies.

At Gravida, we are committed to offering personalized diagnoses and treatments for women with thrombophilia who are facing difficulties conceiving or have experienced recurrent miscarriages. Each case is unique, and a specialized approach is key to increasing the chances of success in the pursuit of a healthy pregnancy. If you suspect you may have thrombophilia or have had fertility issues, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Remember that any medical treatment must be supervised by a professional. At Gravida, we are here to accompany you every step of the way on your journey to motherhood.

